Proper Software for Editing HTML

You can actually use whatever basic text editor you like to create your HTML pages, some however come more recommended then others.

Use these programs to edit HTML Do NOT use these programs to edit HTML
Windows Notepad

EditPad Classic

Microsoft FrontPage 2000 (click HTML tab)

Microsoft Word 6 or earlier

WordPerfect, MS Works, or Claris Works (pre- 1997 versions all okay) Macintosh SimpleText

S.H.E., Simple HTML Editor (Mac shareware editor)

HTMLed, Hot Dog, or HTML Assistant


Macromedia Dreamweaver (Overall, Dreamweaver is excellent. Code is usually compatible with all browsers. It, however, can be a bit of a sloppy coder at times. It will occationally overlap tags, i.e.; <b><i>blah blah</b></i>. Mostly great though!)

Windows Wordpad (will not save text documents properly)

Microsoft FrontPage 98 (will wreck your HTML)

Microsoft Word 95, 97, or 2000 (hides HTML code, rewrites it)

WordPerfect 8/9 or Claris Home Page (won't let you write HTML without a fight)

HotMeTaL or InContext Spider (shareware editors that hide code)

Netscape Composer/Navigator Gold (replaces your code with a mess)

Adobe PageMill (many bugs, hides HTML code)

Symantec Visual Page (hides code, won't let your edit it)

AOL Press/NaviPress (hides HTML from you completely)

NetObjects Fusion (mangles any HTML you write yourself)

Partially taken from Sams Teach Yourself HTML 4 in 24 hours; 4th edition

