
Ordered Lists

<li>Clean Room</li>
<li>Eat cake</li>
<li>Feed fish</li>

<ol> This will begin your ordered list.
<li> This stands for list item. It denotes the next thing that will need a bullet.
</ol> Complete the list with a closing tag.
Ordered lists are for list with numbers, the above list would render like this:

  1. Clean Room
  2. Eat cake
  3. Feed fish

Unordered Lists

<li>Clean Room</li>
<li>Eat cake</li>
<li>Feed fish</li>

Unordered lists are just that. Each bullet will be a round circle. The above code will render as this:

Definition Lists

<dd>NCSA, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, is located on the campus of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.</dd>
<dt>Cornell Theory Center</dt>
<dd>CTC is located on the campus of Cornell university in Ithaca, New York.</dd>

<dl> DL stands for Definition List. This tag will let the browser know that a definition list is coming.
<dt> definition term, it's the first tier.
<dd> definition description. It will be indented.
</dl> The DL tag is the only one that needs to be closed.
The above list would look like this:

NCSA, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, is located on the campus of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Cornell Theory Center
CTC is located on the campus of Cornell university in Ithaca, New York

Definition Lists Compact

<dl compact>
<dd>NCSA, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, is located on the campus of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.</dd>
<dd>CTC is located on the campus of Cornell university in Ithaca, New York.</dd>

When you type the word "compact" in the dl tag, you can make a list like this:

NCSA, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, is located on the campus of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
CTC is located on the campus of Cornell university in Ithaca, New York

Nested Lists

      <li>Text 1
                  <li>all about text 1.</li>
                  <li>and a little more about text 1.</li>
      <li>Text 2
                  <li>a little more about text</li>

Nested list can get quite involved, but their nothing more then list within list. You don't need to indent like I did, but this can help you keep things organized. The above code will make this:

Squares, Roman Numerals, and Letters

<ul type="square">
<li>text 1</li>
<li>text 2</li>
<li>text 3</li>

When you want to use squares instead of circles, just set the type attribute to square. The above code will make this:

<ol type="I">
<li>text 1</li>
<li>text 2</li>
<li>text 3</li>

Use a capital I for capital roman numerals, or a lower case i for lower case roman numerals. That code makes this:

  1. text 1
  2. text 2
  3. text 3
<ol type="A">
<li>text 1</li>
<li>text 2</li>
<li>text 3</li>

Use a capital A for capital letters, and a lower case a for lower case letters. That code will make this:

  1. text 1
  2. text 2
  3. text 3

Starting the Count After 1

<ol start="6">
<li>text 1</li>
<li>text 2</li>
<li>text 3</li>

If you would like to start an ordered list at a number other then 1, simply set the start attribute to whatever number you would like. That code makes this:

  1. text 1
  2. text 2
  3. text 3
