Fadeing Links

This is a fadeing Link.

To make all the links on your website fade, download this file: fade.js by right-click, and choosing "save target as". Place the file where you keep the web pages that you want faded links on. Open those web pages in notepad, and place this in the <head> section:

<script src="fade.js" language="Javascript"></script>

That's all there is to it. If you want to make the links different, open fade.js in notepad. There are some instructions in there for changeing things, but the main section of intrest would be this:

startColor = "#000000"; // initial link color
endColor = "#FFFFFF"; // final link color

stepIn = 30; // delay when fading in
stepOut = 30; // delay when fading out

You can change how the link looks when it's not hovered over by changeing #000000 to whichever hex code you wish, and what color the link will fade into by changeing #FFFFFF.

stepIn and stepOut controls the speed of the fade. The lower the number the slower the fade.
