Remotely Hosting Images

When you have an account at places like, use online forums, or participate in art/image communities such as you often find yourself in need of a place to host images, so you can link to them, and post/display them somewhere.

Often times you'll see, "insert the URL or address of the image here", meaning that you need to put an address like there. But, before you can do that, you need a host for the image, and finding a good host that will allow you to direct-link images is tough.

Anyway, the other day I found the french version of Tripod, which allows direct-linking! The bad news was, I don't speak french (My skills are English and Ebonics!), however I've signed up for nearly 100+ accounts on nearly 100+ different websites, and they all tend to follow the same format. Because of this, I was able to figure things out and make this tutorial for people that would like to use as thier image host.

If anyone out there does speak french or just knows better then I do and would like to add to/edit this tutorial, feel free to eMail me. Also, as time goes on, and updates, this tutorial will become out of date. If it needs to be updated, just eMail me.

Setting Up The Account & Using It

1. Go to (link opens in new window)  
2. Click "S'inscrire" [fig.1]
Figure 1
3. Click "Accepter" [fig.2]
Figure 2
4. Fill in your information [fig.3], and click "Suivant".
Figure 3

5. Fill out more information [fig.4], and click "Suivant".

Mot de passe = Password
Entrez de nou... = Same password again
Question aide... = Secret Question, in case you forget pass
Reponse = The answer to the question (I think it needs to be a couple chracters long, and not obvious. Such as, "astinkymonkey" instead of "monkey")
Reecrire rep... = Answer to question again

Figure 4
6. If you get the same screen again, only with pink boxes, then fill out the information again, only pick something else. For example, your password needs to be 6 chracters +. Try again, and click Suivant [fig.5]

Figure 5
7. Ignore the next set of check boxes, but at the bottom, type the numbers you see [fig.6] and click Suivant

Figure 6
8. Now, go to your eMail inbox, and look for the mail with the french subject. It should say, "Activation de votre compte Lycos MultiMania Pages perso".
9. When you open it, you'll see a huge web address. If it's not a link, you'll need to highlight the address, then copy it (press Ctrl + C) and Paste (Ctrl + V) it into the address bar. Basically, go the address you see. [fig.7]

Figure 7
10. The next screen will say, "Confirmation de votre inscription à Lycos MultiMania Pages Perso" and have another form to fill out.  
11. For "Mot de passe FTP" type a password.  
12. For "Saisir de nouveau votre mot de passe FTP" type that same password again.  
13. For "Recopiez le Code Sécurité ci-dessous" type the number you see.  
14. Click "Suivant"  

15. Now you need to log in, so you can upload an image. On the right of the screen, you'll see a place to put your username and password. [fig.8]

Identifiant = Username?
******* = Password?

Fill out your information, and click "go"

Figure 8
16. Click "Mon site facile" [fig.9]
Figure 9
17. Scroll just a little, and click "WebFTP, l'accès direct à votre site à partir du Web"  
18. Click "Ouvrir WebFTP !"  

19. Now you'll get a big pop-up window. On the right, where it says, "Charger un fichier de votre PC sur votre compte" click one of the browse buttons. Navigate your computer, until you find the image you want to upload.

20. You can upload more then one, by clicking the different browse buttons.  
21. Scroll to the bottom of the right browse window, and click "Charger", to begin uploding your image.  
22. Take note of the name of the file you uploaded, such as "thisfile.jpg" or "thatfile.gif". This is what you will add to the end of the address to direct link to the image.  

23. The address of the image will be, for example:

That is the address you will type in where it might say, "type the address of the file here".

24. When the image is done uploading (and you'll know it is if the file appears on the left hand side) then you can close the window.  
25. Back on the main window, you can click "Se déconnecter" to log out (located on the right, where log in is typically found).  

Thats it. Next time you want to upload another file, Go back to, and repeat steps 15 - 25.

