Normal Chromeless Window. 400 x 200 pixels.
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Chromeless Window. 400 x 200 pixels. Maximize capibilities.
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Chromeless Window. 400 x 200 pixels. Maximize capibilities. Extra Border.
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Chromeless Window. 50% x 20% pixels.
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All settings displayed. See HTML
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Different Settings to change:

In the link you will see something like this in ( ):

You can use these controls to override the defaults. The controls are described in order below.

content.html = address of content to go inside chromless window.
400 = height of window
200 = width of window
5 = X coor. (How many pixels the window is going to the right.) Set to "null" for centered.
10 = Y coor. (How many pixels going down.) Set to null for center.
jenwin005 = name of window. If multiple chromeless windows are used on page, each name must be different.
1 = size of border around window.
false,false,false = maximize,minimize,resize. set to "true" for yes, "false" for no.